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Dawn Pisturino--Ariel's Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023

When, Despite The Busy-ness, You Find Ways To Support

Just the other day I told you how Spring had arrived in my area, but today I’m not
sure of that. We had sleet in the morning that turned to rain. And boy, is it cold!
And boy, am I busy this weekend!! But we will survive this too.

Hello friends. Hold on to spring if you can.

Today I wish to give you a heads-up on the newest book debuting. And for once I’ll
let these few screenshots speak for themselves. I promise you, you won’t want to
miss this.

In a post later this week, I’ll talk more about the much anticipated Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023–a spectacular poetry collection by our very own
Dawn Pisturino of Dawn Pisturino’s Blog.

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Dawn Pisturino’s Blog

Let’s take our cue from Dawn…


Wow. Impressive! Please click on link.

Here is a slideshow:

Heartfelt Congratulations to Dawn Pisturino.
This is my best effort today.
Happy Launch!!

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    Very nice review.

      1. rajkkhoja

        You are most welcome

  2. Ingrid

    Such exciting news 🤩 📖 ❤️

  3. Dawn Pisturino

    I’m so overcome with emotion right now, Selma! Thank you so much for your kind words!

    1. Selma Martin

      My honest words—my pleasure. Keep going… but also don’t forget to breathe. 🧘🏽‍♀️

  4. michnavs

    Oh, im sure Dawn is delighted to see this.

    1. Selma Martin

      Doing my best and trying not to compare with how much MORE “other kind hearts” (not naming any names) do. Bless you, Mich. and Dawn too.

  5. Meelosmom

    Beautifully designed review, Selma! I bought the book. Can’t wait to read it!

    1. Selma Martin

      Bless you, Barbara. You will not be disappointed. XO 📖 👏🏽

  6. Mike U.

    A wonderful mini-collection of some of Dawn’s amazing poetry. Can’t wait to get a copy of my own! This is such a nice gesture on your part, Selma. A lovely, well-done effort to spread the love and awareness of Dawn’s new book. 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      It’s my absolute pleasure. You’re the sweetest. Thanks so much for appreciating, Mike. Bless you. Enjoy this wonderful collection. Xoxo, Selma.

  7. Wonderful review and presentation, Selma. I can’t wait to read Dawn’s book and wish her all the best! ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      You will delight in this. 👏🏽
      Thanks for reading dear friend

      1. Oh, thanks so much, Dawn! I hope you enjoy the collection! Yours has been on its way. I was able to buy the paperback on Lulu.

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